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The beginning of Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff is practically a love letter to Chuck Yeager. The excellent movie version features a sequence depicting Yeager equally he test pilots the 10-1 aircraft. Flying out of what would get Edwards AFB in California, Yeager became the outset person to engage in supersonic flight.

Now, a few decades afterward and with little prelude, NASA'southward Armstrong Flight Enquiry Center in Edwards, California has been uploading hundreds of videos from decades of haemorrhage-border aeronautics inquiry onto YouTube. AFRC is posting its legacy video footage and then everyone tin watch — including video of the X-1 in action. So pace into your examination pilot boots, kiddos, because nosotros're going supersonic.

The AFRC is putting a bang-up deal of video content "front and eye" on its website and YouTube channel, to get information technology out of the archives and onto your glowing rectangles. It's the AFRC'southward video vault: some of the nearly important missions the center has ever conducted. Not every flight is supersonic, merely they're all pretty cool. Footage uploaded so far includes examination flights of the X-1, the X-xv, and the X-43A. They've got videos of STS-1, the first Space Shuttle mission, forth with Endeavour, Discovery, and Atlantis. More stuff pops upward on their channel every fourth dimension you wait away.

Among the highlights is this clip on the capabilities of NASA'south Global Hawk UAV. The Global Hawk is a partial replacement for the venerable Lockheed U-2, and tin can carry out many of the same missions and gather much of the aforementioned data, all without ever putting a pilot at take a chance:

Then there's peppy compilation showing off the hypersonic X-43A. The 10-43A however holds the record for the fastest aircraft on record — it dropped from a B-52 upon launch and so ignited its Pegasus rocket booster. In that location were three tests in total. The starting time one failed, but during its its 2nd test flight, it managed to travel 24km in merely 11 seconds. That works out to roughly Mach 6.83. In the third test, the 10-43A managed to travel even faster, reaching approximately Mach 9.6.

Considering these videos were buried in a digital database at one particular NASA library, they weren't getting much air. Just YouTube is the largest single video database in the world, and it'south all searchable by keyword.

"NASA has so much digital content that tends to be overlooked by the public, given the difficulty that exists in really locating the content," Rebecca Richardson, social media manager for NASA Armstrong, told Motherboard in an electronic mail. "Our hope is that past moving the content to more accessible platforms, NASA fans and media personnel will be able to access the content more than regularly and go more than fully immersed in what is happening at NASA."